Reconditioning services for hydraulic/mechatronic blocks

The MECHATRONIC unit is formed for gearboxes where the hydraulic block also contains the transmission computer (TCM).


The Mechatronic solution is increasingly used by gearbox manufacturers such as ZF, Mercedes, Borg Warner.


Testing before and after reconditioning is done with the special device “Hydratest Valve Body Machine” designed by the English manufacturer Cottingham Engineering.


The reconditioning process involves the use of original parts made by renowned manufacturers (e.g.  Sonnax, ZF).

Examples of hydraulic blocks that we recondition:

  • ZF 6HP26, 6HP19 hydraulic blocks (part of BMW, Audi, Jaguar gearboxes)
  • ZF 8HP45, 8HP55 hydraulic blocks (part of BMW, Audi, Jaguar gearboxes)
  • 722.6 and 722.9 Mercedes hydraulic blocks
  • TF60 hydraulic blocks (part of VW Golf, Audi A3, Mini Cooper gearboxes with 6 steps)
  • TR60 hydraulic blocks (part of VW Touareg, Audi Q7, Porsche Cayenne gearboxes)
  • TR60 hydraulic blocks (part of VW Touareg, Audi Q7, Porsche Cayenne gearboxes)

Possible warning signs of a faulty hydraulic block:

  • The speeds are changed with a shock. A shock can be sensed even at higher gears (e.g. 2-3) as well as at lower gears (e.g. 2-1)
  • Delay in changing speeds
  • Impossibility to select a gear (when changing the speed to the next gear, the engine torques but the gear does not engage)
  • When selecting a gear, the torque is not firm. The engine torques several dozen turns, engages the gear and then increases the speed of the car
  • Various error codes (Solenoids short to ground, short to plus etc.)
Warranty granted

The warranty for a reconditioned hydraulic block is 1 year without a km limit.